
山西自考网 发布时间:2012年09月27日


Lesson Twelve Why I Write

  1. Outrage v. offend greatly 触犯,违反。如:outrage common sense 违反常识。

  2. sooner or later 迟早。如:Sooner or later you will get yourselves deeply involved in trouble. 你迟早会让自己陷入麻烦之中。He would sooner or later realize the importance of… 他迟早会意识到……的重要性。

  3. somewhat in some measure or degree to some extent. 往往后跟形容词。 如:The result was somewhat surprising. 结果有些让人感到吃惊。 He looked somewhat annoyed. 他显得有些不高兴。

  4. facility ability to perform something easily 灵巧,便利,熟练。如: He translated sth with great facility. 他翻译时驾轻就熟。He showed facility in painting. 他在画画方面显得很熟练。

  5. narcissism :自恋,(精神分析)自我陶醉症。Narcissus (希腊神话) (爱上自己映在水中姿影的美少年,溺死后化为水仙花。)

  6. filter through pass or slip through slowly 渗出,(光等)漏出透至。如:The new ideas are filtering into the children's minds.孩子们脑中出现了新的思想。Sunlight filtered through the window. 夕阳从窗户透进房间。Foreign influence began to filter into the country.外国的影响开始渗透进我国。

  7. meticulous taking or showing extreme care about small details.过分仔细的。如:She is meticulous in her dress.她对衣服极其在意。He is very meticulous in checking his accounts.他在查帐方面非常仔细。Our meticulous secretary never forgets anything .我们仔细的秘书从不会忘记什么。

  8. Arresting attracting attention striking. 迷人的。如:a person of arresting good looks 有迷人的面貌的人。An arresting sight 一个引人注目的景象。

  9. assess evaluate 评估。如; assess the importance of …/the value of …评估……的重要性/价值; assess the situation 审时度势。Assessment n .

  10. discipline train and control the mind 控制。如:You should learn to discipline yourself more. 你应该学会更好地控制自己。

  11. vary from…to…随着……而变化。如:Prices of vegetables vary from season to season .蔬菜价格随季节变化而变化。Opinions vary from individual to individual. 仁者见仁,智者见智。

  12. strive after for / against to struggle hard to get or conquer ……奋斗。如:strive for freedom / excellence 追求自由/卓越。

  13. outweigh to be more important than ………更重要,胜过。 如:My love for my parents outweighs everything else. 我对父母的爱重于一切。 Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages 有利因素大于不利因素吗

  14. guise general outside appearance 外观。如: an old idea in a new guise 新瓶装旧酒。 in the guise of …… 打扮。 如: a thief in the guise of a salesman 打扮成推销员的小偷。

  15. reconcile my ingrained likes and dislikes with… a. reconcile accept or be resigned to something not desired.使和解,调解; 使能安于,将就接受。如: He had to reconcile himself to his fate .他必须接受自己的命运。 reconcile work and rest 劳逸结合。 He could not reconcile himself to such a low position . 他不能安于这样低的地位。 reconcile one's ideal with reality 使理想与实际一致。 b. ingrained 根深蒂固的。如: ingrained morality 根深蒂固的德行。