山西自考网资料下载《高级英语》练习 2

山西自考网 发布时间:2012年07月08日

Fill in the blanks with the words given, using their proper forms.

1.      In his view, ____________ leaders and gardeners have something in common --- they must take responsibility for what they have undertaken. (politics)

2.      The bookstore you’re looking for is just next to the red ___________ building. You can’t miss it. (five, story)

3.      When he came to Europe, the ____________ of the Swiss Alps gave him a deep impression. (grand)

4.      She has a lot of ____________ to deal with. (correspondent)

5.      His dog is very ____________ .(obedience)

6.      This is an island ____________ only by birds. (inhabitant)

7.      The cottages ____________ well with the landscape. ( harmony)

8.      The husband decided not to complain in the ____________ of his wife any more. (present)

9.      It’s hoped that the tax cuts will act as a ___________ to further economic growth. (stimulate)

10.  The ____________ of the manuscript is beyond doubt. ( authentic)

11.  The heat was ____________ at night but suffocating during the day. (tolerate)

12.  The ____________ of atomic bombs can cause great damage to air. (explode)

13.  A ____________ is not believed when he speaks the truth. (lie)

14.  The drugs are effective but also ____________ to blood cells. (destroy)

15.  In retirement, my father takes up painting and gardening for some ____________. (relax)

16.  It’s hard to make friends with ____________ people. (mind, narrow)

17.  The woman sat looking at them without ___________. (express)

18.  The ____________ threatened to blow up the hijacked airliner. (terror)

19.  My ____________ parents seldom interfere in my affairs and they give me freedom to do what I think best. (open, mind)

20.  The number of tigers in nature has greatly decreased. The ____________ of wild tigers has become a serious problem. (survive)

21.  Newpapers have become sizable ____________ enterprises. (finance)

22.  The cruel landlord showed no ___________ on the poor farmer. (mercifully)

23.  They are sitting on a ____________ bench, enjoying the warm sunshine. (wood)

24.  Although he lived in a different city from his wife, he felt a strong ____________ to his family. (attach)

25.  Colour-blinded people can’t make a ___________ between colours. (distinct)

26.  An educated person should have an ____________ of good music. (appreciate)

27.  He ____________ that he was not qualified for the post. (recognition)

28.  It is very ____________ of the young playwriter to attempt a new form of drama. (courage)

29.  At the conference the chairman made a detailed ____________ of the international economic situation. (appraise)
