
山西自考网 发布时间:2013年07月25日



Everyone but me was tired.(代词)

Finally,we had packed everything but the typewriter.(名词)

The car is anything but slow.(形容词)

Put it anywhere but on the floor.(介词短语)

We had no choice but to obey him.(不定式短语)

We know nothing of our new neighbour but that he was a Cambridge graduate.(从句)

注意:在do nothing butthere is nothing to do but后面的不定式通常省略to

These women there did nothing but complain.

There was nothing to do but wait until he came back.


Everyone had a good time but John.(介词)

The students had a good time but not John/but John did not.(连词)



They were all rescued except the captain,who stayed behind to safeguard the vessel.(名词)

Everybody is here except him.(代词)

The weather in the area will be fine tomorrow except in the southeast,where we will have some drizzle.(介词短语)

To point out his mistake directly will have no effect except to make him angry.(不定式)

I don’t know much about London except that it is the capital of Britain.(从句)

注意:在do nothing/everything/anything except的句型中,其后的不定式多省略to

They could do nothing except wait for help to arrive.

I’ll do everything for you except wash your underwear.

(2)exceptexcept for的区别

except后面的成分和主语或宾语的成分属于同一种类,而except for后面的成分跟主语或宾语的成分不属同类。

The office was empty,except for a desk and a chair.(the officea desk and a chair不同类)

All the students in the class went to the lecture except Li Hong.(Li Hong也是个student)



For a while,there wasn’t anything to do for either of us but drink beer.

My papers seem to be everywhere except where they ought to be.



The tourists are coming to this country from all parts of the world.

It is a quotation from Shakespeare.


The victims suffered from cold and hunger.

The man was rushed to hospital but he died from his injuries shortly afterwards.


I have to drive a hundred miles from home to work.

Where were you last night from ten to twelve?


Wine is made from grapes.

Paper is made from wood or rages.

注意from与同样表示材料的ofout of的区别。of表示成品中看得出来原材料。

I’d like to have a look at the blouse of pink silk,please.

The house is built of stone.

out of强调得用某物做……

She made a jacket for her son out of an old coat of her husband’s.

They made curtains out of the cotton print they had brought from Egypt.


He pulled a pistol from under the pillow.

Suddenly a boy jumped on him from behind the door.

This tree has been here from before the First World War.

The couple has just returned from abroad.

Orders to withdraw came from above.

45.instead of 取代,代替


Instead of a scolding,I was rewarded with a pat on the back for having the good sense to buy fruit instead of candy.(名词)

To everyone’s disappointment,his secretary came to the meeting instead of the minister himself.(代词)

Instead of sitting there,you could help me clean the kitchen.(动名词)


I’d like to go there by train instead of by air.

We found him in the library instead of in his study as we often do.





