自考《英语(二)》课程讲义--Text A The Teachers Last Shocking Lesson

山西自考网 发布时间:2013年06月09日

Text A The Teacher's Last Shocking Lesson


  Para.1 Kathleen Weinstein --- a remarkable teacher, was killed.
Paras.2-3 The teacher encountered the robber and tried to reason with him, and she managed to tape their conversation.
  Paras.4-5 The worst thing happened, but she gave her last lesson to the juvenile.   

                New Words    

  1 shocking

  a. 令人震惊的,骇人听闻的

  2 miniature

 n./a. 缩样,小型物;微型的,小型的

  3 device

  n. 装置,器械;方法,手段

  4 capture

  vt./n. 捕获;夺得,占领;捕获物

  5 microcassette

  n. 微型卡式录音带

  6 allege

  vt. 断言,宣称;

  7 compassion

  n. 同情;怜悯

  8 grab

  vt./n./vi. 攫取;抓取

  9 jaw

  n. 颌,颚

  10 attacker

  n. 攻击者

  11 activate

  vt. 使活动,使起作用

  12 recorder

  n. 记录者,录音机

  13 prosecutor

  n. 起诉人,检察官,公诉人

  14 belonging

  n. 所有物;行李

  15 hysterical

  a. 癔病的,歇斯底里的;患癔病的

  16 threatening

  a. 威胁(性)的,凶兆的

  17 persistently

  ad. 坚持地,固执地

  18 convince

  vt. 使确认,使信服

  19 excerpt

  n./vt. 摘录,节录

  20 beloved

a./n. 所爱的;亲爱的;心爱的人

  21 foster

  vt. 鼓励,促进;养育,抚养

  22 persuasion

  n. 说服,劝服

  23 avail

vt./vi. 有利,有助;n. 好处,用处

  24 hiker

  n. 徒步旅行者

  25 smother

 vt./vi. 使窒息,把闷死;忍住;窒息

  26 suspect

vt./vi./n. 疑有;推测;嫌疑犯,可疑分子

  27 county


  28 profound

  a. 深刻的,深奥的

  29 juvenile

  a./n. 青少年的,青少年

  30 materialism

  n. []唯物主义,唯物论

  31 solicit

  vt. 请求,恳求

  32 p.a.=public address system


  33 merchant

  n. 商人

  34 heartbreaking

  a. 使人心碎的

  35 resonance

  n. 回声,反响;共振,共鸣



  1 to convince sb. to do sth.


  2 on one’s head


  3 to (或of no avail


  4 to comment on


  to go beyond


  1.shocking a. 令人震惊的,骇人听闻的

  2.miniature n./a. 缩样,小型物;微型的,小型的
  3.device n. 装置,器械;方法,手段
  4.capture: vt. / n. 捕获,夺得,占领 同义词是"catch"
  capture 强调动作的过程及结果 catch 侧重于结果

  The child captured/caught a bird.
  e.g. Two of the soldiers were killed and the rest were captured. 两个士兵被杀,其余的被俘虏。

  They lived in terror of capture by enemy soldiers. 他们生活在被敌兵俘虏的恐惧中。
  5.microcassette n. 微型卡式录音带
  6.allege vt. 断言,宣称;
  7.compassion n. 同情;怜悯
  8.grab vt./n./vi. 攫取;抓取
  9.jaw n. 颌,颚
  10.attacker n. 攻击者
  11.activate vt. 使活动,使起作用
  12.recorder n. 记录者,录音机
  13.prosecutor n. 起诉人,检察官,公诉人
  14.belonging n. 所有物;行李
  15.hysterical a. 癔病的,歇斯底里的;患癔病的
  16.threateninga. 威胁性的,凶兆的
  派生词:threaten v. 威胁;threat n. 威胁,危害
  e.g. He sent her a threatening letter. 他给她寄去了一封恐吓信。
  17.persistently ad. 坚持地,固执地
  18.convince: vt. 使确认,使信服 ( to convince sb. to do sth. )
  e.g. I can easily convince you of his ignorance. 我可以很容易地使你相信他的无知。

  He was convinced to withdraw from running for the presidency.他被劝说退出总统竞选。
  He is convinced that some plants are threatened with extinction.

  19.excerpt n./vt. 摘录,节录
  20.beloved a./n. 所爱的;亲爱的;心爱的人
  21.foster vt. 鼓励,促进;养育,抚养
  22.persuasion : n. 劝说,说服
  派生词:persuade v. 劝说,说服
( to persuade sb. to do sth. )
  e.g. All our persuasion was of no use; she would not come. 我们所有的劝说都没有用;她不肯来。

  The salesman persuaded us to buy/into buying his products. 那推销员说服我们购买了他的产品。
  23.avail : v. / n. 有利,有助
  派生词:available a. 可得到的,可利用的

  e.g. You should avail yourself of every chance to improve your English. 你应该利用一切机会提高你的英语。
  The medicine didn't avail against the disease. 这药对这种病没有产生疗效。
  Their efforts were to no avail. 他们的努力不起作用。
  24.hiker n. 徒步旅行者
  25.smother vt./vi. 使窒息,把闷死;忍住;窒息
  26.suspect : vt. / n. 怀疑,推测;/ 嫌疑犯,可疑分子  
  e.g. He suspected a scheme against his life. 他怀疑有人要谋害他的性命。

  The security department suspected him of giving information to a foreign company.

  I suspect that he has failed to arrange his time efficiently. 我怀疑他没有能力有效地控制时间。
  suspect 是比较确定的怀疑
  doubt 是对某事不相信,怀疑
  27.county n.(英国)郡;县
  28.profound a. 深刻的,深奥的
  e.g. This is a profound theory. 这是一个深奥的理论。
  Those two lines of poetry express perfectly the profound sadness of loss.

  29.juvenile a./n. 青少年的,青少年
  30.materialism n. []唯物主义,唯物论

  31.solicit vt. 请求,恳求
  32.p.a.(=public address) system 有线广播,扩音系统
  33.merchant n. 商人  
  34.heartbreaking a. 使人心碎的

  35.resonance n. 回声,反响;共振,共鸣
  1.to convince sb. to do sth. 说服某人做某事

  2. on one's head :归罪于某人,(责任)落到某人身上
  e.g. The children's safety is on the teacher's head。 

  3.to/ of no avail 完全无用,毫无效果

  e.g. I tried to persuade him not to resign , but to no avail. 我试图劝说他不要辞职,但毫无效果。
  The doctors' efforts to save the child were to/of no avail. 医生抢救孩子的努力没有成功。
  4.to comment on : 评论
  e.g. The king refused to comment on / upon the election results. 国王拒绝对大选结果做出评论。
  The critics commented favorably on his new book. 评论家对于他的新书给予好评。
  Can you comment on this conclusion? 你能对这一结论发表意见吗?
  5.to go beyond 超越
  The rapid development of science and technology goes beyond everyone's imagination.


          The Teacher's Last
Shocking Lesson
    A remarkable woman reasons with her killer - and tapes it
  She used the
miniature tape recorder for a graduate-school course she was taking. The device, though, would do much more than capture a lecture. It was a microcassette found in Kathleen Weinstein's shirt pocket that not only led police to her alleged killer but also revealed the New Jersey teacher to be a woman of extraordinary courage and compassion.②
  1."do much more than + 动词原形";,意思为"不仅仅做…""做得比"
  2.这是一个强调句,alleged killer "被指控的凶手",即"犯罪嫌疑人"。其中句中"found"是过去分词作定语修饰 microcassette a woman of extraordinary courage and compa ssion.意为:"具有非凡勇气和同情心的女人

  Weinstein, 45, was on her way to an exam at Toms River High School South on March 14 when she got out of her gold 1995 Toyota Camry to buy a sandwich at the busy Toms River Shopping Center. That's where her path crossed that of Michael LaSane, who, police say, wanted just such a car to celebrate his 17th birthday.
③ Grabbing Weinstein by the jaw, the attacker told her he had a gun and forced her into the Camry. The car was then driven to Manitou Park, about two miles from the shopping center. It was there, police believe, that Weinstein was able to activate the recorder she kept in her bag. According to Ocean County prosecutor Daniel Carluccio, the taped conversation between Weinstein and LaSane took place as they removed personal items - bags, notebooks, her six-year-old son's belongings, from the car. "It wasn't hysterical," Carluccio says of the 24-minute tape. "It wasn't the kind of thing you would expect of someone who is facing a life-threatening situation. Mrs. Weinstein bravely and persistently used every skill and power she had to convince her attacker to simply take her car and not her life."
  3.句中第二个"that"指的是"path" "who"的后面引导一个定语从句修饰"Michael Lasane"
  4.grabbing Weinstein by the jaw 是现在分词短语作伴随状语。"grabbing sb. by …"表示"抓住某人…"。类似的用法:seize sb. by the collar (抓住某人的衣领)hit sb. on the nose (揍某人的鼻子)slap sb. on the cheek (煽某人的耳光)等等。译文:这名歹徒猛地抓住温斯坦的下巴,自称有枪并胁迫她上了车。
  5.此句是个强调句,强调的是地点状语there "she kept in her bag"是定语从句,省略了that,修饰recorder。译文:据警察推测,温斯坦正是在这里才得以打开放在她包里的录音机。
excerpts of the talk released by the prosecutor show why Weinstein was a beloved figure at Thorne Middle School in Middletown, where she was a special-education teacher. "You haven't done anything yet," she tells her attacker. "All you have to do is let me go and take my car. For my life, don't you think I should be concerned and let you take my car? For my life! Do you really want to have that on your head?" At another point, the teacher tries to get him to open up. "Why don't you just tell me? Of course, it's important. It's determining your whole life and the direction you're taking." Weinstein also talks about her son Daniel and her plans to take in a foster child with her husband Paul. "1 want to give something to somebody, to give something back," she says.
  6.released by the prosecutor 过去分词短语作定语,修饰excerpts(谈话片断)
  figure 在此表示"人物
  why 引导宾语从句,where 引导非限制性定语从句

  7.All you have to do 主语从句中有to do ,不定式作表语省略 to .
  动词 let 后面也要省略不定式符号 to ,should 用于加强语气,表示"竟然
  8.take in 在此表示"接受,吸收"的意思

  Her powers of
persuasion were to no avail. Weinstein's body, with hands and feet bound, was discovered by a hiker on March 17.She had been smothered with her coat. But before she died she somehow slipped the microcassette into her pocket without her killer knowing it. Because Weinstein had asked LaSane about himself and his family, police quickly had their suspect, the son of a local official. "Our impression was that she was very aware she was leaving something behind." says Carluccio. He will not comment on LaSane's side of the conversation except to say,"When you hear the tape, it will raise profound questions about what is happening in our world with juveniles and our society. It goes beyond materialism."
  9.with hands and feet bound 是独立结构,被插在主语和谓语中间,其中bound bind 的过去分词。译文:317日,一名徒步旅行者发现了温斯坦的尸体,她的手脚被捆绑着。
  10.without her killer knowing it 动名词复合结构,her killer 是动名词的逻辑主语。
  Weinstein also helped leave behind a new program at Thorne Middle School in which students were encouraged to do nice things for others. Every morning Weinstein would announce various good deeds over the
p.a. system and she solicited prizes from local merchants and restaurants. Given her fate, the name of the program has a heartbreaking resonance to it: Random Acts of Kindness.
  11."given "是介词,意思是"考虑到""情况下"
  例:Given their inexperience, they have done a good job.



